Theres always a bunch of stuff being sold on ebay. I've never bought from there and only use the site for some cheesy eye candy every now and again. Theres a dude femfight fan or something like that who must make a killing with all the vids that guy sells. Mostly films,dvd's from the 60's on up til now. Hope the guy isn't bootleggin em cuz he'd be paying up the nose with all the cash he has more than likely made. I'm sure he's connected and he always has a decent number of happy customers. Thats what I'm always sketchy of. Smucks that'll take your money and won't send you anything. Nothing like traveling across country to kick someones ass for 40-50 bucks.
As for searches on ebay ....
I usually type in - catfight,catfighting,catfights and normally get different results. The most results you'll ever get is when you type in women wrestling. Not only does it show you all the items of wrestling, but catfighting, pie fighting and even **** slinging fights.