Title: "Games of Skill" SKU#: STR_SK-202-01 Style: Women's Wrestling Mixed Coed Fighters: Belle Vs Peter & Sue Vs Luke
This Pro Style Mixed wrestling match has Belle batteling it out in a torturous turnbuckle tirade. Filled with great action and great holds, this intense battle hasPlus
Title: "Games of Skill" SKU#: STR_SK-202-02 Style: Pro Mixed Wrestling Fighters: Belle Vs Peter & Sue Vs Luke
A well built athletic stunt man, thinks he can whip ex-World Champ Sue Sexton in a spine tingling, ferocious battle of the sexes with a brutal finish. Youll love this one!
Title:"Cannonball Queens" SKU#: STR_SK-229-02 Style: Women's Wrestling: New Releases Fighters: Alexis vs. Lindsey & Shelly vs. Carrera
Ravishing Carrera is calculating against the Bomber Shelly, and is not easily intimidated. Speed and agility find openings to inflict damage on the Blonde. However, commands are quickly exchanged back and forth till one warrior is severely punished.
Title: "True Intent" SKU#: STR_SK-270-01 Style: Women's Wrestling New Releases Fighters: Frankie vs. Valentina
This womens professional wrestling match pits the sex pistol blond Valentina against the gorgeous brunette tough girl Frankie. Frankie just annihilated her opponent in her previous match and is very confident. Valentina has been training hard and is ready for action. Great pro action from pillar to post! Painful submissions, fast reversals and a little cheating going on. Frankie skillfully lets the blond wear herself down to execute a brutal finish. What an exciting match!