What do you guys feel is 'fair' to allow a producer to make good on an item before becoming more of a pain-in-the-ass to them about it ?
I'm not mentioning names right now as some of you like this new producer so much, you'll no doubt side with them without even giving me a listen. I've been trying to be patient enough to have it eventually be fixed so I never have to mention names but it's been two weeks and have only received a couple polite e-mails saying sorry for the inconvience , they're turning it over to their administrator etc etc. That's been about it and it's now two weeks.
If you guys need more details, I'll be happy to provide them but didn't want to go on about it - I'm just wondering what you guys would consider 'enough time' for someone to be able to correct a download that was never received ?
The longest I remember being made to wait by a femfight company was twelve days. That was Clips4Sale. (Well, maybe not a femfight company, but a femfight vendor at least.)
If it's a new company they really should be anxious to please any new customers, but on the other hand they might not yet have a handle on the administration of technical matters.
I say give them three weeks. Then you threaten to contact their billing company, provided they use one, or else to contact your credit card company. After four weeks you take your threats into action. At least that's what I would do.
Thanks for the reply , tomas. Your time frame sounds resonable to me , especially taking in account if the new company not being real experianced with technical problems.
My problem is I won't contact my credit card company about it ; LOL, I'd be too embarrassed to tell them I'm complaining about never receiving a download of a competitive tribidism / sexfight between two red hot women. I'm sure they'd ask what it was I ordered.
Thanks for the reply , tomas. Your time frame sounds resonable to me , especially taking in account if the new company not being real experianced with technical problems.
My problem is I won't contact my credit card company about it ; LOL, I'd be too embarrassed to tell them I'm complaining about never receiving a download of a competitive tribidism / sexfight between two red hot women. I'm sure they'd ask what it was I ordered.
-- Edited by Jim at 00:08, 2008-05-16
I just tell the credit card people that it is research material and hold firm.
:) :)
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